Friday, May 15, 2020

David Cole Jewish Holocaust Revisionist and Different Questions Free Essay Example, 1500 words

The first question of Cole is related to the information disseminated by the tour guide regarding the different issues in the building referred to as the gas chamber. This is the main reason for the interview with Dr. Piper, to be able to verify the validity of the information given during the tour. Cole s video tackled one of the most important points presented related to the Holocaust which is the presence of the gas chamber at the Auschwitz Main Camp as part of the Final Solution (Cole; Cole and Smith). The first question of Cole is related to the information disseminated by the tour guide regarding the different issues in the building referred to as the gas chamber. This is the main reason for the interview with Dr. Piper, to be able to verify the validity of the information given during the tour. Cole s video tackled one of the most important points presented related to the Holocaust which is the presence of the gas chamber at the Auschwitz Main Camp as part of the Final Solution (Cole; Cole and Smith). We will write a custom essay sample on David Cole: Jewish Holocaust Revisionist and Different Questions or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page Piper, he indicated that the original walls were intact and that the significant staining in the delousing was caused by the higher activity there. This became a huge question for Cole since according to the presented evidence that there were continuous killings in the gas chambers day and night.

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